SEO Jerusalem

Take a fresh approach to modern SEO with Value First Media and boost the visibility, authority score, and keyword rankings of your website.

Don’t struggle with your website when it can easily achieve a high rank with modern SEO that involves all the good things of classic SEO. We are here to help and we can provide real help.

SEO Benefits

Improved VisibilityEnhanced Search DiscoverabilityIncreased Organic Traffic
Modern SEO improves visibility on search result pages. We have a checklist of things of do’s and don’ts to rank sites on SERPs. We work professionally so no stone is left unturned in the process of website optimization and you get desired results in an expected time frame.Extended search discoverability is an added advantage of modern SEO. It will take you closer to potential clients. Internet users searching for information about your business will be able to discover your site before they find others. You will be the first to get potential customers that you can turn into real buyers.Extended search discoverability is an added advantage of modern SEO. It will take you closer to potential clients. Internet users searching for information about your business will be able to discover your site before they find others. You will be the first to get potential customers that you can turn into real buyers.

Modern SEO Process

SEO Audit & Analysis

A sincere audit of your site will reveal the gaps in your present SEO strategy. Also, it will help unearth the weak points in the site structure. Once the audit is complete, we will analyze the grey areas and come up with a strategy to strengthen your website structure and marketing. The strength of your website lies in its core structure including title tags and meta descriptions. We will make it strong so it responds to modern SEO.

Competitor Analysis

We will find your close competitors and analyze their sites as well to find how they are doing and how your site is performing in the competition. You can learn many things from competitor analysis like keyword selection, marketing strategy, and website design. Competitor analysis will give you a strong reason to make necessary changes to your site. By analyzing your competitors, you can understand the latest trend and update your website and marketing strategy according to those trends.

Keyword Research

Researching the right keywords/phrases is central to modern SEO. Also, you need to do more than simple keyword research to find the phrases that can connect your site to potential audiences. We can dig out the most valuable keywords for your site with the help of the latest keyword research tools and competitor analysis. It is our ability to find the right keywords that keep us ahead in modern SEO services.

Metadata Optimization

The keywords selected after much research and analysis will be put to use on your website. We will write new titles and meta descriptions using the selected keywords and phrases. It will help your site rank higher on SERPs. Also, you can rest assured that metadata optimization using the right keywords/phrases will give the expected results. We bank on facts and figures instead of assumptions.

Reporting & Data Visualization

We maintain speed and transparency in the process. The execution of strategies will be fast and everything will be documented for analysis. Reports of steps taken and milestones achieved will be generated at regular intervals and you will get uninterrupted access to those reports. Also, the reports will carry our findings and measures to be taken to further strengthen your website structure and market presence. You will find us standing with you throughout the process.